Forced Convection Chamber Furnaces from 1000 Liter with Safety Technology
Forced Convection Chamber Furnaces from 1000 Liter with Safety Technology
Forced Convection Chamber Furnaces from 1000 Liter with Safety Technology
Forced Convection Chamber Furnaces from 1000 Liter with Safety Technology


Forced Convection Chamber Furnaces from 1000 Liter with Safety Technology

Models  N ../45 ..  are equipped with the corresponding safety technology for drying larger and heavier charges containing solvent. As with the smaller models, the furnaces in this range can be adapted with selected additional equipment to suit the respective charge and process.

  • Furnace technology based on forced convection chamber furnaces
  • For a description of the safety technology, refer to models NA 120/45 LS ff.
  • Over-temperature limiter with manual reset as over-temperature protection for the furnace and the charge
  • Exclusive use of insulation materials without categorization according to EC Regulation No 1272/2008 (CLP). This explicitly means that alumino silicate wool, also known as “refractory ceramic fiber” (RCF), which is classified and possibly carcinogenic, is not used.
  • Defined application within the constraints of the operating instructions
  • Controller with touch operation P570 (50 programs with each 40 segments)
  • NTLog Basic for Nabertherm controller: recording of process data with USB-flash drive
  • Freeware NTEdit for convenient program input via ExcelTM for WindowsTM on the PC
  • Freeware NTGraph for evaluation and documention of firings using ExcelTM for WindowsTM on the PC
  • MyNabertherm App for online monitoring of the firing on mobile devices for free download
  • EN 1539 with reduced exhaust air flow rate to 25 % after the main evaporation time to save energy
  • EN 1539 with temporary switching off for processes in which no flammable substances are released
  • Process control and documentation via VCD software package for monitoring, documentation and control
Model Tmax Inner dimensions in mm Outer dimensions2 in mm Heating power Exhaust air flow rate Maximum volume of solvent in g at temperature:
  °C w d h W D H in kW1 in m3/h 75 °C 100 °C 125 °C 150 °C 200 °C 250 °C 300 °C 350 °C 400 °C 450 °C
NA 1000/45 LS 450 1000 1000 1000 2015 2150 2375 48 200 123 88 66 52 33 26 22 15 13 11
NA 1500/45 LS 450 1000 1500 1000 2015 2650 2375 48 200 136 98 75 59 38 31 26 18 15 14
NA 1500/45B LS 450 1500 1000 1000 2515 2150 2375 48 200 136 98 75 59 38 31 26 18 15 14
NA 2000/45 LS 450 1100 1500 1200 2115 2650 2575 72 250 172 125 95 75 49 39 33 23 20 18
NA 2000/45B LS 450 1500 1100 1200 2515 2250 2575 72 250 172 125 95 75 49 39 33 23 20 18
NA 2010/45 LS 450 1000 1000 2000 2015 2200 3375 72 250 177 128 98 78 51 41 34 24 21 18
NA 2880/45 LS 450 1200 1200 2000 2215 2400 3375 84 250 197 145 112 90 60 49 41 29 25 22
NA 4000/45 LS 450 1500 2200 1200 2515 3350 2575 84 400 291 212 163 129 85 69 58 40 35 31
NA 4000/45B LS 450 2200 1500 1200 3315 2650 2575 84 400 289 211 162 128 84 68 57 39 35 31
NA 4010/45 LS 450 1000 2000 2000 2015 3200 3375 84 400 298 218 168 133 88 72 60 42 37 33
NA 4010/45B LS 450 2000 1000 2000 3015 2200 3375 84 400 296 216 166 132 87 71 59 41 36 32
NA 4500/45 LS 450 1500 1500 2000 2550 2750 3375 84 400 307 225 174 138 92 75 63 44 38 34
NA 7200/45 LS 450 2000 1500 2400 3050 2750 3870 144 500 410 304 236 189 126 104 88 61 54 48


 Inquiry - Forced Convection Chamber Furnaces from 1000 Liter with Safety Technology